Sometimes cooking can be an exhausting job but when we enjoy doing the same especially for someone we love, then it can be the most interesting job in the entire world.
Hi, I’m Abhipriya and welcome to, The Busy Apron, a blog covering my own cooking journey with all the recipes I have tried so far and my experiences in doing so.
When you first start to cook, especially when you have no prior experiences even in visiting the kitchen, it might actually start to look like a very tiresome process and no dish would turn out the way you expected, both in looks as well as the taste (believe me, I can actually relate to your story).
I got married in the year 2017, a few months after I graduated from college. So, I didn’t have any prior experience in cooking (as well as visiting the kitchen) before my marriage. My passion for cooking started only after this phase of my life.
The inspiration behind my cooking is my husband. Yes, he is my secret weapon in the kitchen. I learned to cook for him only after our marriage and that was when I realized that I enjoyed cooking equally as I enjoyed eating. Of course there were millions of recipes flooded over the internet by various food bloggers and this helped me to explore other cuisines as well.
The next level in my cooking journey was trying my own recipes with my own combination of spices and ingredients. I loved to cook, especially for my husband. Whenever I tried something new, I would wait to see the way he enjoys eating the food. When the recipe turns out great, the joy I see on his face makes me feel like I’m on cloud nine.
So, that was when I thought, why not create my own space in the internet and share my recipes with all of you so that even you can experience that joy with your loved ones. I’ve always believed that nothing brings people together like good food. So, why not start a food blog? And this was when we created this space and named it, “The Busy Apron.”
Have a seat at the table as I take you through my world of cooking! Let’s chat, eat and most of all, cook together! I would love to hear from you about your cooking stories and experiences. Feel free to contact me at [email protected] or [email protected] on any queries or even suggestions. You can even contact me though this contact form in the website.
Subscribe to my email list to receive all new recipes straight to your mail box and also to be a part of this family!
Stay safe; stay healthy! Happy cooking and eating!
To know the current updates about The Busy Apron, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest.
Has meal planning been a little bit difficult during this lockdown? Look through my No Veggies, 21-Day Lockdown Series for ideas on what to cook during this lockdown.
If you have tried any of my recipes, then tag @the_busy_apron and share it on Instagram with the hashtag #thebusyapron. Also tag @TheBusyApron and share it on Twitter with the hashtag #thebusyapron.